Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Proscuitto Wrapped Pork Tenderloin - from That skinny chick can bake!!!

I fell in love with this first second I saw it. I need to make this, it looks amazing, so juicy, so elegant, perfect for any occasion.
I have permission to share this post with you guys, and if you want more recipes visit That Skinny Chick Can Bake

 Click on the link to see the recipe: That skinny chick can bake!!!: Proscuitto Wrapped Pork Tenderloin~


I made this yesterday for dinner. Our friends loved it so much they asked for the recipe :-)

I can't think of a better combination, pork wrapped in pork :-) Ohhh yeahhh. Can you imagine that? Just perfect and so easy to make. I prepared everything a few hours before my guests arrived and kept it in the fridge so I can spend more time with them. It was a hit.

I am so happy I found this recipe, I will make it again and again and again. Love it.

Tags: Proscuitto Wrapped Pork Tenderloin recipe, Proscuitto Wrapped Pork Tenderloin recipes, Pork Tenderloin wrapped in Proscuitto recipe

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Garlic buns - from Torview

One of the blogs I follow is Torview I love to read the recipes and I made a few already. The banana cookies are just awesome.

I love to try something new and I am desperate to try these garlic buns. Just look at that photo. Can you imagine the smell of freshly baked garlic buns in your kitchen? Ohhhh I can't wait to eat one.
Next week I have some friends coming over and I will surprise them :-)

Here is the recipe, just click on the link and start baking: Torview: Garlic buns


These are EXCELLENT!!! And so easy to make. I used parsley because I had a ton of parsley at home. I was so proud when these came out so good! My friends went wild when they tried these parsley garlic buns.
Will definitely make again as they are pretty simple & quick to put together and I'm no longer intimidated by making these from scratch. I put my Kitchen Aid stand mixer to work, let the dough rise, made the garlic spread, roll the dough and bake. Sounds pretty easy. Well, it is. The best part is when they are done. You feel like a real baker.... pretty good feeling :-)

Here are some pictures. What do you think?

Tags: garlic bun recipe, garlic buns recipe, buns with fresh garlic recipe, garlic rolls recipe, parsley garlic rolls recipe, parsley garlic buns recipe, easy garlic rolls recipe

Friday, January 6, 2012

Leek and Pancetta Potato Cakes - Cooking at Marystow

I love to try new recipes. I am so excited I found this potato cake recipe on Lucie's blog, tomorrow I will make this for dinner with a nice steak, hmmmmm. That is comfort food for me :-)

Click on the link to see the recipe: Cooking at Marystow: Leek and Pancetta Potato Cakes#c665085351283539651


The plan was to make a steak today with the potato cakes. I made only the potato cakes.
I felt like a kid in a candy store today, I couldn't wait to taste them :-)
Just some ketchup and that's it. Look at at the photo .... sooooo pretty

This recipe is a keeper, I made 4 potato cakes, I ate two and I saved two for my boyfriend. He'll better get home soon, otherwise it will will be only the plate left :-)

tags: Leek and Pancetta Potato Cakes recipe, leek pancetta potato pancake recipe, Leek and Pancetta Potato Cakes recipes, potato cake recipe,

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cherry Almond Biscotti - Carrie's Experimental Kitchen

A nice recipe from Carrie's Experimental Kitchen.
I saw this and I knew I will make them. You can't go wrong with these ingredients.
Biscotti is the perfect crunchy companion to your cup of coffee.

Click on the link to see the recipe: Carrie's Experimental Kitchen: Cherry Almond Biscotti: This past Saturday, I had to make some items for a bake sale and wanted to try out a new variation of biscotti. That, and I was cleaning out...


Here is what I baked today. My first biscotti :-)

Don't you think cherry and almond is the perfect combination? I've never made biscotti before, I know it takes a while and you bake it twice. Now I found the perfect one. I love dried cherry and almonds, I can't wait to try them.
The kitchen smelled incredible: hmmmm almonds, hmmmm. I had to hide a few for tomorrow morning. 
How awesome is that to wake up and have a cup of espresso and biscotti? 
I didn't change anything, I followed the recipe and this is the result.
Next time I will make a double batch.
Here are some photos for you guys.

And now, after I took these photos it's time to eat.
Biscotti time :-)

Tags: Cherry Almond Biscotti recipe, bisotti recipes, Cherry Almond Biscotti recipes

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spicy chickpea soup - from Una Semplice Passione

Have you ever had chickpea soup? I am crazy about it. I had chickpea soup only in restaurants, I never tried to make it at home.
I found this recipe on one of my favorite blogs Una Semplice Passione. So, I read the recipe and I decided to give it a try. I am sure this will be easy to make and delicious. I can't wait to eat it.

Click here to see the recipe:


Here is a photo with the soup I made today. I am sooooo happy. It looks soooo good and it taste better than it looks. Can you imagine that? :-)

The only change I made was to add 3 carrots, just for a touch of color and a little lemon juice. I wanted lemon juice because this is how I ate it long time ago in a greek restaurant. This is a delicious soup and I will make it again and again and again. This is a keeper.

Tags: chicpea soup recipe, chickpea soup recipes

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hummus - from CosmoCookie

This is how I decide what to cook. I go online and I look around. If I see something I like  will try it.
Today I found this awsome blog with amazing photos, great recipes: CosmoCookie

Click on the link to see the recipe: CosmoCookie: Hummus: Hummus. You've seen it at about every potluck/dinner party these days. You've probably bought a giant tub of it before. You've probably nev...


I made this hummus today. It was so good, it turned my boyfriend into a hummus lover.
This was simply DELICIOUS!

It is so easy to make, in 2 minutes it's ready. I served it with some veggies and pita bread.

No need to buy hummus anymore. Better than any hummus I ever had. Thanks for sharing.

Tags: hummus recipe, hummus recipes, hummus pictures, hummus photo

Monday, October 24, 2011

Banana cereal cookies - from Torview

I found this amazing blog The recipes and the photos are amazing.
Look what I found: banana cereal cookies. I love cookies :-) hmmmm I think everybody loves them. I want to grab one. They look fantastic. I had to bookmark it and I will try to make the cookies this week. I can't wait.

Click on the link to see the recipe: Torview: Banana cereal cookies: Happy holidays to all of you, Have a safe and a wonderful holiday. Cookie cakes with bananas and cereal. Easy, healthy and delicious. 1 1...


I was desperate to try this recipe. I have to tell you this is a keeper. I will make it again and again and again. I made a double batch because I wanted to freeze half of the cookies. No luck with the freezing. We ate them all.
They are super moist, flavorful, and addictive. I had cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner :-)

So, here are the cookies I made:
I followed the recipe, I didn't change anything. When They were ready I just drizzled some melted chocolate on a few, just because I like the chocolate-banana combination.

I wanted to take a photo with all my cookies, but we ate about 7-8 before I took this shot.

Recipe from Torview. Thank you for sharing.

Tags: Banana cereal cookies, Banana cereal cookie recipe, Banana cereal cookies recipes

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Raspberries and Cream Charlotte - from Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes

This recipe is from Mary:

Look at this cake. Gorgeous. The decoration, the candles, the colors, the ribbon, everything is o elegant, so beautiful. I had to save this. This is so beautiful, I want a slice right now. hmmmmm

Click on the link to see the recipe: Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes: Sweet...Raspberries and Cream Charlotte from Sarab...: Two of my blog friends and I received the same cookbook for Christmas. We decided to select a recipe and post it for Valentine's weekend. ...


OK. I did it. Here is my raspberry charlotte :-) Loooove it

The truth is that I didn't mean to change the recipe but I didn't have enough raspberries so I decided to make one layer of raspberry cream and top it with whipped cream.
I don't know what I was thinking when I bought the ingredients. When I got home I realised I don't have enough raspberries but I didn't go back to the store.

My boyfriend said this is to die for. I was so happy :-)
This is a simple recipe, a no bake cake. What can be easier than that?

So, if you want to make a very fancy and easy dessert try this one. Awesome. You can't stop eating  :-)

Tags: raspberry charlotte recipe, elegant dessert recipe, raspberry dessert recipes

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cauliflower and Caramelized Onion Tart

I never had a cauliflower tart before. I found this recipe on Kathy's blog
I am desperate to try it. Next time I buy cauliflower I will make this tart. Hmmm it looks so good.

Click on the link to see the recipe: Bakeaway with Me: Cauliflower and Caramelized Onion Tart: Cauliflower and Caramelized Onion Tart While we're in Florida we will be having friends visit us who live about 6 hours away. My friend a...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Christmas Cookie - From Beyond My Kitchen Window

I bumped into this recipe today and I had to save it. Just look at that photo. It looks like a Christmas card. Gorgeous. I think I had something like this before, with almonds.
I love the presentation. I have to make these for Christmas :-)

Click on the link to see the recipe: From Beyond My Kitchen Window: My Favorite Christmas Cookie...: These little snowy cookies look like they could be a relative to the happy snowman living on this cookie dish. Please try these buttery G...

Tags: Russian tea cake recipe, Mexican wedding cake recipe, Viennese Crescent recipe, Christmas Cookie recipe

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mushroom Soup - Culinary Flavor

I found the recipe on Katerina's blog Culinary Flavors. Thank you for sharing your recipes.

What a great soup. Quick and easy. What can be better than a hot mushroom soup with bread and cheese? 
I am just crazy about it. This is one of my favorite soups.

Click on the link to see the recipe: Mushroom Soup - Culinary Flavor

Friday, September 23, 2011

Salada Avatar - from Arte & Saladas

How cool is this. Yeah, take a look closer. It is a salad. Can you make this? This is awesome.
Check out this blog: You will love it. And if your kids hate salads, try one of the salads Raimundo posted on his blog. I was impressed.

Arte & Saladas: Salada Avatar: (Clique na imagem para vê-la ampliada) Descrevendo - *Primeira camada.* . Alface americana picada; . Rúcula picada; . Cebola picada; ....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rosemary Double Noodle Chicken Soup - Cooking Creation

I love chicken noodle soup. If you are sick it helps you, if you are not sick it makes you happy :-)
Just look at this bowl of sup. It makes me hungry.

Cooking Creation: Rosemary Double Noodle Chicken Soup: The sickness that my daughter had wasn't the flu after all. It was a seven-day stomach virus that has been going around the schools. She i...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Skinny Mocha Mousse

Lindt Bittersweet is my favorite chocolate. Now I have reason to go and buy one. I have to make this dessert. Ohhh I can't wait to try it.
I dream in chocolate.

Click here to see the recipe: . . . Anna and Liz Recipes . . .: Skinny Mocha Mousse: There's always room for a little dessert! Here is an elegant dessert that looks super cool when served in mini cordial glasses! I call ...

Caramelized Onion, Anchovies and Thyme Focaccia

I think even an anchovie hater would give this a shot. Just look at the picture.
I found this recipe on Zoe's blog. Check it out. There are more recipes you will love :-)

Click here to read the recipe and to see more photos:Bake for happy kids: Caramelised Onion, Anchovies and Thyme Focaccia: Hi everyone! I'm back from the busy streets of Hong Kong and Singapore. Our holidays are fantastic but I do miss my baking hobby and my blog...