Monday, September 5, 2011

BRAIDED WHITE LOAF - from Mumsfilibaba

There is nothing better than the smell of a fresh loaf of bread.
I have to bookmark this recipe. I love to bake bread. This is the next recipe I want to try.

Click here to see the recipe: MUMSFILIBABA: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE AND BRAIDED WHITE LOAF: For me Braided White Loaf is weekend. Saturday, Sunday morning breakfast with family. The warm bread with some butter and a cup of tea. I...


OK I made it and now you can see my braided bread. Gorgeous :-) 
I didn't want a sweet one, so I used half of the sugar listed. After I braided the dough I let it rise for another hour. I put it in a preheated oven, at 350F for 45 minutes.
The only problem with the fresh baked bread is that half of it is gone before it cools.
It was heavenly.

My first braided bread


  1. I love the idea of this blog. A giant database of your favourite recipes! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am glad you like it and let me know when you made the spaghetti alla carbonara :D.

  2. wow it looks great. Nicer than mine :) and I think it is a good idea to half the sugar. I am so happy it turned out great :P


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